Press Release

IFC, Paris Europlace, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL Partner to Develop Capital Markets Program for Francophone Emerging Countries

October 31, 2020
Paris, France, July 9, 2019 —IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, Paris Europlace, the Paris financial markets organization, and Dauphine today signed a memorandum of understanding to develop a capital markets training program for regulators from francophone emerging economies.
The partners of this initiative committed to work towards the establishment of an “ Executive Masters in Capital Markets, IFC – Europlace – Dauphine ”. The goal is to equip graduates with knowledge and experience to bring about regulatory reforms in their emerging market countries that can modernize the financial sector, create well-functioning domestic capital markets and increase access to long-term local currency financing.
The signing ceremony took place during the Paris Europlace International Financial Forum – New Frontiers in Finance.
IFC CEO Philippe Le Houérou said: “Strong capital markets are an important driver of economic growth and jobs.  Businesses can tap into those markets as a source of long-term, local-currency finance, and governments can access them to finance roads, schools, and hospitals. That is why IFC is excited to partner with Paris Europlace and Université Paris-Dauphine to offer capital markets training for regulators, including from central banks, finance ministries, capital markets authorities, and stock exchanges, in French-speaking countries, many of them in Africa.”
Augustin de Romanet, Paris Europlace Chairman said: “We are delighted that Paris Europlace is partnering with IFC and Paris-Dauphine University to strengthen the skills of French-speaking emerging market regulators, in a context where the long-term financing needs of these economies become increasingly important and crucial for a sustainable economic growth and the modernization of these emerging economies.”
Isabelle Huault, President of Dauphine said: “We are looking forward to engaging in this promising partnership with Paris Europlace and IFC. The new program for francophone emerging economies is fully in line with Dauphine-PSL's strategy both internationally and in terms of social responsibility. Training champions of capital markets development can help ensure more efficient and ethical functioning of capital markets.”
About IFC
IFC—a sister organization of the World Bank and member of the World Bank Group—is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. We work with more than 2,000 businesses worldwide, using our capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in the toughest areas of the world. In fiscal year 2018, we delivered more than $23 billion in long-term financing for developing countries, leveraging the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. For more information, visit
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About Paris Europlace
Paris EUROPLACE is the Paris financial services-led body, in charge of developing and promoting Paris as an international financial center. Paris EUROPLACE is chaired by Augustin de ROMANET, Chairman and CEO, Aéroports de Paris (ADP). Paris EUROPLACE brings together all financial services industry stakeholders and is the voice for its 400+ members, corporate issuers, investors, banks and financial intermediaries, professional associations, attorneys and accountants, consulting firms, etc., as well as the financial market authorities. For more information, visit
About Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, otherwise known as Dauphine, is a higher education establishment and a reference in the scientific fields of organization and decision sciences. “Grand établissement”, member of the “Conference des Universités et des Grandes Ecoles”, Dauphine has been developing, since its creation in 1968, an innovative model.  At an international level, Dauphine developed several campuses abroad and is the founder of strategic international alliances such as  SIGMA Alliance. Furthermore, the university is involved in worldwide academic partnerships. For more information, visit


IFC In Washington: Emma-Kate Symons +1 202 813 7561 In Paris: Egidio Germanetti +33 6 50 92 02 56 Paris Europlace Nadine Huyn +33 1 70 98 06 35 Universite Paris Dauphine-PSL Nancy Eichinger +33 6 09 76 88 82 Karine Zimeray +33 6 09 15 65 14