Focus Area


Access to affordable, quality healthcare is critical to economic growth and development. But, resource constraints and competing priorities mean that many governments lack the means to provide adequate health services to their citizens.

Healthcare challenges vary among countries and regions. Many rural areas lack the infrastructure, skilled staff, and facilities necessary to ensure even the most basic care. Urban areas may have staff and facilities but cannot keep pace with population growth and changing demographic health needs.

Worldwide, the looming epidemics of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other chronic diseases will take an increasing toll. Over 80 percent of non-communicable disease deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Governments need to carefully weigh their options for meeting these challenges head on. Well-structured PPPs are one tool available to help deliver new health infrastructure and improve access to higher quality healthcare services.


Learn more about IFC's work in Health

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Sumeet Thakur
Global Head for Cities, Water, and Waste
Dan Vardi
Global Water Lead
Nadine Ghannam
Senior Communications Officer, Global Infrastructure
Washington D.C.
+1 (202) 473-3011